Tuesday, January 29, 2008



There are two characters in my animation. There is Mali-a little girl of mixed racial background. And then there is Knowledge-an adult black man who later on in their story (these characters already have backgrounds and I have developed a ongoing story for them) will become Mali's mentor.

Mali is sitting on a bench in the park by herself looking depressed. Knowledge is walking through the park and sees her. He sits down and tries to console her, but she moves away. Then Knowledge gets an idea and pulls out a lolly pop and hands it to her. Mali takes the lolly pop, hops off the bench and walks away while licking the lolly pop, but still has a depressed look on her face. She walks off screen and Knowledge is looking confused. Then the lolly pop comes flying at him and hits him in the head. He is shocked. The End.

Background: Simple nature-a couple of trees and some bushes. Everything happens on a wooden park bench.


I really love my senior animation. The thing is that I am in senior 2 and still animating when I should be working on clean up and color. My film just takes up so much time and energy that it is hard for me to do other things. I have some serious deadlines to make and even when working extremely hard, its hard to make it to the finish line. I will post some clips of my animation soon.


PREMISE: A comedy about a little girl and a man in a park. The man wants to help the little girl feel better, but the girl doesn't want to feel better or the man's attempts don't work.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

PUPPET JUMP! This is a silly character. It makes me laugh just watching it animated.... a leg for a neck. You gotta love that.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I wish all animation was as easy as making a bouncing ball. I would put my characters on a path and say "do this" and go home and eat LOL.
Well the bouncing ball projects went ok. They were my very first flash animations.
Hell yeah I'm proud of them! You got something to say?! Leave a comment then _______! Well anyway, check it out. As soon as I figure out how to publish it.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

this is really my favorite animation. i hope this works.

This is my favorite animation.

Here is a picture of some Boondocks character.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Welcome to the animation blog of Akinlana. Its going to be fun.