Thursday, March 13, 2008

Character Designs of Mali and Knowledge


Final film-"Rejection"

Final project-"

My Process

My process started with the initial rough drawings on animation bond. I scanned all of the drawings into photoshop, and began tracing them in Flash. After I timed out and traced the drawings, I started to clean them up on another level. That part took the longest. Next, I colored all of the drawings for the characters. The last thing I did was to create the backgrounds and color them. The only other thing I did was play with the timing a bit.

Goals for My final film

The overall goals of my film are: To learn how to use Flash to make an animation, learn Flash as a program, have fun with the characters I created, learn learn learn, do frame by frame animation on the computer.
Well this film has definitely been a learning process. I don't think that it is great, but I know how to use flash and some of its short cuts now. Its also been really cool to see my characters moving and in color. The frame by frame animation to a very long time but it works better than tweened animation in my opinion.