Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ah the Stylus

How do I feel about the stylus? Well its great! It doesn't have the accuracy of a real pencil or pen, but for what it does its great. It allows a 2D animator like me to learn flash and do flash animations with some sanity. Controlling the line width can be hard and the screen is slippery so my lines sometimes are not accurate. But thats why flash has the smoothing component and allows you to manually edit lines. It can only get better in the future. In conclusion, this shits cool.


Yevgeniya said...

Cute animation, I like the girl's personality. :P

Alyssa Morley said...

Your characters are well developed

Thomas "Kolchak" Worley said...

Matches yours.

Anonymous said...

I like the character design.

Naty said...

i know your senior project was owning your life this quarter. so kudos for pulling to animations out of thin air.

Peter Callahan said...

i like the character design on that girl she really fill the part

Disney Luangsisongkham said...

Cool Animation

Thomas "Kolchak" Worley said...

Has potential, I think with sound, it will be just right.

Mooshe said...
